The Knightbus

Welcome on the Knightbus,
your Access to the entire World of Harry Potter!



Here you can find answers to questions about the KB which you might have:

What exactly is the

You can compare the KB to a telephone book. While you can look up names, addresses and telephone numbers there, here you can find most sites dedicated to Harry Potter.

Do you really provide all links concerning Harry Potter

Well, there might be a million websites dedicated to Harry Potter in some way. Of course we do not know them all and we can't show them here. But we link all huger Harry Potter websites, and we constantly try to extend our lists with loads of new links.

What is the purpose of this website?

First of all, the site is made to give you a good overview over most Harry Potter Websites. We offer you a real choice here to find exactly what you desire.

The second important function is to give providers of smaller Harry Potter websites a chance to be found in the wide World of the Internet.

Do you provide Links only?

No! We give you the latest Harry Potter News as well as general information. But of course we are focussed on providing Links.

I've got a Harry Potter Website which doesn't show up in your lists. How can I add it?

There is a function to add websites. You can go to the function through the following Link: Click here. Your Website won't show up immediately. First the Staff controls it and then it will be shown. (Living People are the best Spam Filter after all)


Siteshows: 42387175
Clicked Links: 886082
Users: 1138483
Links: 1217

Version: 0.3.0