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Harry Potter's Impact on college campuses

Tom on 26.3.2008 at 17:18


Harry's presence can be felt on college campuses in America.

There is an article online on CNN today about Harry Potter's impact on college campuses across America, exploring the courses and external studies it has inspired.Some of the schools that offer Potter-related classes at the moment are Georgetown University, Yale University, Stanford University and Kansas State University.

At Yale University, Danielle Tumminio teaches a class on the books and Christian theology, which analyzes the role of prominent Christian themes like sin and resurrection in the series. She said, "It was a struggle for me as I put the class together, because I knew if I didn't construct this really well...that a lot of what I was doing would be missed or misconstrued. I certainly didn't want to come across as someone trying to indoctrinate my students. I also wanted to make it clear that it was a critical endeavor, and that it wasn't...that you'd sit around all day talking about how great Luna Lovegood was."

Kansas State professor Philip Nel uttered some frustration with those who don't take the topic seriously, saying, "Harry Potter is unfairly maligned simply because of the audience for which it is intended. Children's literature is literature, and if people don't agree with that definition, it's sort of hard to have a conversation with them. They see things that...are easily accessible as therefore not serious and therefore not worthy of serious inquiry."

As you can see Harry Potter is obviously complex and brilliant enough that serious Universities decide to make it a part of education :)




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